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western leaders perspective on the white man's burden

The U.S. is newly victorious in 1898 naval victories over the Spanish at Manila and Santiago de Cuba. In Vebers rendering of Les Progrs de la Science (The Advancement of Science), Boer prisoners of war are being shocked by an electric fence to the amusement of British troops on the other side. Most viewers will probably agree that there is nothing really comparable in the contemporary world of political cartooning to the drafting skill and flamboyance of these single-panel graphics, which appeared in such popular periodicals as Puck and Judge. The Philippines are diminished as Only the Stepping-Stone that enables the U.S. to reach the eagerly anticipated China market. Model students Hawaii and Porto Rico appear as docile girls learning their lessons. The U.S. appears to be carried by the Philippines, Great Britain by India, and Germany by Africa. The humanity of our soldiers is admirable and does not tire despite the ferocity of the Boers (Official Report to the War Office. Presence of a German fleet lent evidence to one of the justifications the U.S. gave for war with Spain, that is, to protect the Philippines from takeover by a rival major power. 4, pp. 202-212 (September 2010). In an unprecedented alliance, the second expeditionary force was comprised of (from largest troop size to smallest) Japan, Russia, Great Britain, France, U.S., Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. View White Man's Burden.pdf from HIST 1302 at San Antonio College. The cartoon links might with right, as the cannon is pushed and dragged forward by clergy identified by their headgear: skullcap, biretta, clerical hat, top hat, and distinctive English-style shovel hat. Robert L. Gambone in his 2009 book,Life on the Press: The Popular Art and Illustrations of George Benjamin Luks, describes the cartoon as follows: The Way We Get Our War News (The Verdict, August 21, 1899, front cover) excoriates military press censorship, a supremely ironic development given the appeals to freedom used to justify the war. BritanniaDaughter! Reports of the Boxer attacks seeped out of the beleaguered area and misinformation spread, like this headline in theNew York Timeson July 30: Wave of Massacre Spreads over China. The white mans burden was an example of a justified imperialism argument to liberate the countries that lagged in economic, social, and political development in the 19 th century. Pucks caricature of Germanys Bible-quoting Kaiser Wilhelm II ready to machine gun foreign non-believers captures the role of Christianity in turn-of-the-century Western imperialism. Who, they asked, was the real barbarian? Kipling offered moral justification for the bloody war the U.S. was fighting to suppress the independent Philippine regime following Spanish rule. The Battle of Omdurman in September 1898in which British forces retook the Sudan using Maxim machine guns to inflict disproportionate casualties on native Mahdi forceswas followed almost immediately by the Fashoda Crisis with France, in which the British asserted their control of territory around the upper Nile. 2. As early as mid 1899, for example,Lifecalled attention to the staggering death count among Filipinos with a cartoon titled The Harvest in the Philippines. It is now estimated that, all told, between 12,000 and 20,000 Filipino military perished in this conflict, as opposed to 4,165 killed on the U.S. side. Many peasants vaguely suspected of being Boxers were executed. [Read Online], Vaughan, Christopher. The poem The White Mans Burden was written by Rudyard Kipling partly as an appeal for the United States to intervene in the Philippines and transform the islands into 32, No. Source:The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library. Facebook. As Britain stepped up financial industries, shipping, and insurance to make up the deficit, global sea power took on additional significance. Source: Widener Library, Harvard University. Beyond commercial and military prowess, the two nations formed a natural brotherhood within attitudes later labeled as social Darwinism. Foreign buildings and churches were torched and the Beijing-Tianjin railway and telegraph lines were dismantled, cutting communication with the capital. Germanys Kaiser Wilhelm II appears as an anointed leader, his angel wings made of swords, astride a cannon dragged by clerics and missionaries toward foreign lands. copyright owner. Expansionism promulgated under the banner of civilization could not escape being carried out in global military campaigns, referred to as the savage wars of peace in the third stanza: Such avowed paternalism towards other cultures recast the invasion of their lands as altruistic service to humankind. Boxer attacks on Western infrastructure and the siege of foreign diplomats in Beijing gave the international powers a pretext for entering China with military force. Now clad in armor and carrying a spear, she threatens to intervene to stop the anti-foreign, anti-Christian acts of anarchy, murder, and riot that have spread to Beijing. The message suggests that the indigenous man will be brought out of ignorance through the inescapable march of progress in the form of Western civilization. 11, Issue 40, No. Civilization and its Discontents: The Boxers and Luddites as Heroes and Villains., The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, CGACGA, The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University, CGACGA, The Ohio State University, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, William H. Walker Cartoon Collection, Princeton University Library, The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library. On the left, Minerva, goddess of wisdom and Western civilization, witnesses the debut. Imperialism was not only economic and political, but also cultural. Partnership with Great Britain brought the advantage of shared technology to the U.S., but the new American-made ships represented competition for the British shipbuilding industry. A band of tribal defenders, whose leader rides a white charger and wields the flag of Barbarism, fades in the face of Civilizations advance. World powers competing for spheres of influence within her borders had grown ever bolder in their demands as the Qing rulers appeared increasingly weak. On the magazines cover for August 8, 1900, the familiar feminized and godlike personification of the West points at a slavering dragon, labeled Boxer, crawling over the wall of the capital city. Western leaders eagerly embraced the doctrine of the white man's burden because it was a convenient justification for their expansionist policies. Whoever falls into your hands is forfeited. Penguin Press. Heine used the pages of Simplicissimusto denounce the atrocious conduct of Prussian troops during the Allied intervention in China, where the German forces obviously took to heart Wilhelm IIs exhortation to show no mercy. Bickers, Robert A. and R. G. Tiedemann. Their uniforms are oddly reminiscent of the Revolutionary War that had seen them as bitter adversaries a little more than a century earlier. Tuffnell, Stephen. A chained War Correspondent is forced to rewrite his reports under the direction of Major General Elwell Otis during the Philippine-American War. On the contrary, they reflected intense debates about civilization, progress, and the white mans burden that took place on both sides of the Atlantic. Some of the poorest provinces in the north were further stressed by a destructive combination of flooding and prolonged drought. In a strikingJudgegraphic, an Auto-Truck of Civilization and Trade lights a pathway through the darkness, leading with a gun and the message: Force if Necessary. Overladen with manufactured goods and modern technology, the vehicle is driven by a resolute Uncle Sam. Udo Keppler, a Puck cartoonist who was still in his twenties at the time, was more benign in his rendering of the great rapprochement. Although protested by some commanders, no single approach prevailed among these competitive armies thrown together in a loose coalition. The French caption mocks British hypocrisy in officially praising the humanitarian behavior of their armed forces. No blow has been struck except for liberty and humanity, and none will be.William McKinley. W. A. Rogers,Harpers Weekly, July 28, 1900. As the golden goose, Chinas perceived mass market was to be protected for free trade against takeover by increasingly assertive foreign powers. To the Person Sitting in Darkness.The North American Review. In the West, China was often characterized as befuddled and archaic under the rule of an inscrutable crone, the Empress Dowager. Source:Bibliothque nationale de France, In this cartoon from the French special issue on concentration camps in the Boer War, a gaunt Britannia is the only living creature in a vast graveyard for dead British soldiers. Kipling positively represents colonial imperialism as the moral burden of the white race, who are divinely destined to civilise the brutish, non-white Other who inhabits the barbarous parts of the world; to wit, the seventh and eighth lines of the first stanza misrepresent the Filipinos as new-caught, sullen peoples, half-devil and half-child. Rudyard Kipling's poem "The White Man's Burden" is a plea to English people to spread their civilization all over the world. Europeans had a duty to introduce the benefits of their civilization to non-European peoples is the statement which best expresses the Western perspective regarding Rudyard Kipling's "white GlobalResearch Center for Research on Globalization. Embracing Technologies of Domination: The Rise of Popular Imperialism in the U.S., 1898-1904. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany, Jun 16, 2006. Commodore Deweys victory in Manila Bay in May not only paved the way for U.S. conquest of the Philippines, but also provided a valuable naval base for U.S. fleets in the Pacific. [View Extract]. Think It Over. Source:William H. Walker Cartoon Collection, Princeton University Library. The White (!) The war with the Boers (who were ethnically Dutch and Afrikaans-speaking) took place in the South African Republic (Transvaal) and Orange Free State. Japan is introduced in this 1899 cartoon as the lone Asian nation in the imperialist circle of world powers. To maintain its position in the international balance of power, Britain needed allies. Within a barred room, its walls painted blood-red, a cohort of five army officers headed by a sword-wielding Major General Elwell Stephen Otis (1838-1909), military governor of the Philippines, forces a manacled war correspondent to write only approved dispatches. The U.S. policy of benevolent neutrality supported Britain in the Boer War with large war loans, exports of military supplies, and diplomatic assistance for British POWs. Colossal goddess figures and other national symbols were overwritten with the message on their clothing and the flags they carried. In the U.S., despite spirited resistance from Anglophobic Irish immigrants and anti-imperialist leagues, overseas military campaigns gradually gained public support. Vol 172 (February 1901). Following its victory over China in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95, Japan had the heady experience of being welcomed into the imperialist circle. By not waiting for their consent she has greatly advanced the worlds civilization. In mid 1899,Lifepublished this chilling view of the war in the Philippines that was to drag on for several more years. The Manila Correspondent and the McKinley Censorship. George Benjamin Luts,The Verdict, August 21, 1899. Wasserstrom, Jeffrey. Embracing Technologies of Domination: The Rise of Popular Imperialism in the U.S., 1898-1904. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany, Jun 16, 2006. Uncle Sam is to be Sacrificed: Anglophobia in Late Nineteenth-Century Politics and Culture., Twain, Mark. Misery Loves Company: Parallel Colonial Wars (1899-1902). Brewer, Susan. The belief in racial/cultural superiority that fueled the British empire embraced the U.S. in Anglo-Saxonism based on common heritage and language. Auto-Truck of Civilization and Trade: the Asia Market. So, if we do our duty aright in the Philippines, we will add to that national renown which is the highest and finest part of national life, will greatly benefit the people of the Philippine Islands, and, above all, we will play our part well in the great work of uplifting mankind. The artist George Benjamin Luts offered an exceptionally scathing rendering of the linkage of conquest, commerce, and censorship in an 1899 cartoon titled The Way We Get the War News: The Manila Correspondent and the McKinley Censorship. Published in a short-lived radical periodical,The Verdict, the cartoon shows a war correspondent in chains, writing his story under the direction of military brass. Abe Ignacio, Enrique de la Cruz, Jorge Emmanuel, Helen Toribo. As Twain saw it, the U.S. war against the nascent Philippine Republic amounted to little more than mimicry of Britains bloody war of conquest in South Africa. On Chinas side, the Boxers were absorbed into the Qing government forces to fight the invaders. An elaboratePuckgraphic from early in 1899 called School Begins incorporates all the players in a classroom scene to illustrate the legitimacy of governing without consent. Ships for American commerce a speciality., Right: Uncle Sam proudly displays his new steamship and a sign that reads, Uncle Sam the ship builder re-established with great success in 1893. nebraska teacher salary by district. To the Person Sitting in Darkness addressed Great Britains Boer War as well as the Philippine conquest and Boxer intervention. Now there are thirteen on this one street! As the cartoon record of these turn-of-the-century years repeatedly demonstrates, moreover, it was taken for granted by the imperialists that the people on whom they were bestowing the light of civilization were literallyand often grotesquelyof various shades of darker complexion. During the last decade of the 19th century, the antagonistic relationship between Great Britain and the United Statesrooted in colonial rebellion and heightened in territorial conflicts like the War of 1812grew into a sympathetic partnership. The eight-nation military intervention during the Boxer Uprising in China in 1900 amounted to a global case study of how nations with superior technology wreaked violence abroad in the name of bringing about peace and civilization. Source:Library of Congress. The racism and contempt for non-Western others that undergirds Kiplings famous poemand the civilizing mission in generalis unmistakable here. Bickers, Robert A. and R. G. Tiedemann, editors (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007). This belief was strengthened with literary works such as The White Mans Burden written in 1899 by British novelist and poet Rudyard Kipling. The U.S. follows Britains imperial lead carrying people from Barbarism at the base of the hill to Civilization at its summit. and Distributor, 2004). The Maine had been dispatched to Cuba to support an indigenous insurrection against Spain. The world view that Rudyard Kipling and other proponents of colonialism believed in was one in which the white man was the guardian and protector of the planet and its people. 14-27 (May-June 1999). The French leftwing magazineLAssiette au Beurre(The Butter Plate) had a substantive run from April, 1901 to October, 1912. Philippines, Hawaii, Cuba, Porto Rico. A Native American reads a book upside down and a prospective Chinese pupil stands in the doorway. western leaders perspective on the white man's burden. But just take a look at the class ahead of you, and remember that, in a little while, you will feel as glad to be here as they are! Louis Dalrymple,Puck, January 25, 1899. Ugly and shocking scenes of violence in 19th-century American life are ironically captioned as refined and elegant to challenge the self-image of a nation contributing cash to save the heathen of foreign lands while ignoring its own barbarity. The White Man's Burden Today: Good Governance and Corruption The presentation of White Man's Burden and the figure of Oystein Tveter along with the presence of such a distinguished Commercial interests not only drove U.S. policy in Asia, but also shaped public opinion about it. SHARE. Jesus, In an 1899 cartoon, Ren Georges Hermann-Paul attacked the hypocrisy of spreading civilization by force by juxtaposing the words Barbarie and Civilisation beneath Chinese and French combatants who alternate as victor and victim. The scene above turns the tables on theHarpers Weeklycover (above) and accuses foreign troops and missionaries of atrocities during the Boxer Uprising in China. Many politicians used the phrase and its views as the basis for their imperialist and racist policies. 27-1-09 (July 6, 2009). Phillips, Richard and Jones, Rhys. Civilization and barbarism were vividly portrayed in the visual record. In the United StatesPuck,Judge, and the first version of a pictorial magazine titledLife; in FranceLAssiette au Beurre; and in Germany the acerbicSimplicissimuspublished masterful illustrations that ranged in opinion and style from partisan to thoughtful to gruesome. "The White Man's Burden" is a poem by the British Victorian poet and novelist Rudyard Kipling. His biblical title, which came from Matthew 4:16 (The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light), picked up on many pro-imperialist themes of the times. Girls are part of the obedient older class studying books labeled California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The only non-white student in the older group holds the book titled Alaska and is neatly coifed in contrast to the unruly new class made up of the Philippines, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and Cuba. All are depicted as dark-skinned and childish. W. H. P. Signs of Promise.The Advocate of Peace, pp. Je lai fait relguer sous bonne escorte. However, brutally repressive policies followed that included accusations of genocide. (In the 1900 elections, Bryan ran on an anti-imperialist platform and was again defeated by McKinley.) Fears that China would descend into chaos and xenophobia justified intervention to safeguard the spread of modernity, civilization, and trade. May 26, 2022. Pucks cover for June 8, 1898, celebrated this new Anglo-Saxon solidarity and sense of mission with an illustration of two resolute soldiers standing with fixed bayonets on a parapet and overlooking the globe. Source:Library of Congress, In this 1902 cartoon, Britains Boer War and goals on the African continent are identified with the march of civilization and progress against barbarism. Take up the White Mans burden The savage wars of peace Fill full the mouth of Famine, And bid the sickness cease; And when your goal is nearest (The end for others sought) Watch The feminine representations of imperial nations pictured here include Russia, Turkey, Italy, Austria, Spain, and France. Simultaneously, the war against Spain in Cuba and the Caribbean saw the U.S. seizure of Cubas Guantanamo Bay in June, giving the U.S. a naval base retained into the 21st century. In the civilization narrative, barbarians were commonly identified as the non-Western, non-white, non-Christian natives of the less-developed nations of the world. The Poet, the President & The White Mans Burden, Rudyard Kiplings poem that begins with the line Take up the White Mans burden was published in the United States in the February, 1899 issue ofMcClures Magazine, as the American war against the First Philippine Republic began to escalate. Twains most celebrated anti-imperialist essay, To the Person Sitting in Darkness, was published in the February, 1901 issue of theNorth American Review. I relegated an escort. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2014). If you dont do it I shall have to., The First Duty. Long-standing personifications and visual symbols for countries were used by cartoonists to dramatize events to suit their message. Their diverse identities, however, reflect the global reach and ethnic diversity of the British empireand the extent to which England relied on colonial subjects to fight its imperialist wars. Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires. Twain went along, partly out of concern for his family, and The War Prayer was not published until 1916, six years after his death. Several of these graphics fromPuckcommented on Americas problems at home while accusing others of being barbarians. Source:Bibliothque nationale de France. In the U.S., pro-imperialist graphics created the image of robotic, unstoppable American soldiers stomping on foreign lands and towering over barefoot savages. Source: Widener Library, Harvard University, The barbarity of imperial war is displayed on a battlefield littered with dead soldiers of many nationalities that stretches from contemporary warshere, the Philippines and Transvaal (Boer War)back through time to Roman Wars. The sub-caption of this 1900 Judge cartoon once again asks the disturbing question: is civilization advancing?. It is difficult to grasp how the world turned upside down for the populations of Asia at the end of 1941 and the first three months of 1942, during Japans conquest of Malaya, Singapore, the Given the fact that Twain was famous and widely admired for his outspokenness, it is especially disconcerting to learn that he and his close supporters concluded that challenging the mystique of civilization and progress in such stark terms was not feasible given the political and religious fervor of the times. Ricard, Serge. In the eyes of the West, China was dangerously close to chaos as the new century began. The link between U.S. conquest of the Philippines and the lure of the China market was widely acknowledged at the time, and no one rendered this more vividly, concisely, and admiringly than the cartoonist Emil Flohri. Source:Library of Congress, This rueful cartoon places Confucius and Jesus side-by-side and laments the failure of all parties to practice what they preach. After Many Years. Women and children were included among the Boer prisoners of the British. The Boer War Remembered.The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. Long May It Wave. View Copy of White Man's Generic names on the gravestones are coupled with places of origin, including England, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Gibraltar, India, Ceylon, and Egypt, indicating the diversity of those recruited to fight and die for the British Empire. Technology, the State University of New Jersey ( 2014 ) foreign lands and towering over barefoot savages wisdom Western... Despite spirited resistance from Anglophobic Irish immigrants and anti-imperialist leagues, overseas campaigns! Left western leaders perspective on the white man's burden Minerva, goddess of wisdom and Western civilization, witnesses the debut lifetime expires... Included among the Boer prisoners of the less-developed western leaders perspective on the white man's burden of the world Popular in! 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